Meeting Minutes – January 14, 2013

Meeting Minutes – January 14, 2013



January 14, 2013

The Monthly Meeting of the Housing Authority of the City of Middletown was held at the Senior Center Meeting Room, 150 William Street, Middletown, Connecticut on Monday, January 14, 2013.

Chairman Osborne called the meeting to order at 5:10 p.m. and called the roll.

PRESENT: Lee Osborne, Chairman; Evan Noglow, Vice Chairman, Sebastian J. Santacroce, Commissioner; Senova Stone, Commissioner (late).

ALSO PRESENT:  William Vasiliou, Secretary; Thomas Guzzi, Financial Manager; John Rumberger, Facilities Manager; John Boccalatte, Esq. 

ABSENT: Izzi Greenberg, Commissioner; (excused absence.)

PUBLIC SESSION: A resident of the Moderate Rental complex attended the meeting.


APPROVAL OF MINUTES: On motion by Commissioner Santacroce, seconded by Commissioner Noglow; it was unanimously voted to approve the minutes of the December 10, 2012 meeting as submitted.

APPROVAL OF BILLS: On motion by Commissioner Santacroce, seconded by Vice Chairman Noglow;  it was unanimously voted to approve the bills as submitted.

ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE: Secretary Vasiliou reported on 12/31/2012 A/R which shows increases of $576.87 for Conn 9-2, $2.22 for Conn 9-5 and $1,112.88 for MR. Net decreases of $628.26 for Conn 9-3, $231.43 for Conn 9-4 and $149.80 for E101 were also noted.

LEGAL ACTION: Attorney Boccalatte stated his 12/31/2012 report shows no summary process actions started and $160.95 collected on vacated accounts.

FINANCIAL: Mr. Guzzi presented the proposed budgets for FY 2013-2014 for the CT State Family, Elderly and Fereal programs, Dicussion ensued.

On motion by Commissioner Santacroce, seconded by Commissioner Noglow; it was unanimously voted to adopt Resolution 2013-2 and waive reading of same.


BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the City of Middletown that the Connecticut State Elderly Management Plan for fiscal year ending March 31, 2014 as well as a base rent increase of $10.00 per month for two and three bedroom units be adoped as submitted.

No written or verbal comments regarding the proposed base rent increase at the Moderate Rental complexes were received.

On motion by Commissioner Santacroce, seconded by Commissioner Noglow; it was unanimously voted to adopt Resolution 2013-3 and waive reading of same.


BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the City of Middletown that the Connecticut State Elderly Management Plan for fiscal year ending March 31, 2014 be adopted as submitted.

On motion by Commissioner Santacroce, seconded by Commissioner Noglow; it was unanimously voted to adopt Resolution 2013-5 and waive reading of same.

(see attached resolution)

Mr. Vasiliou presented the FY 2013 Income Limits as published annually by HUD. These limits are used in both the CT State Family, Elderly and Federal complexes as one factor in determining eligibility for the programs.



The Housing Authority of the City of Middletown has established and fixed, by an appropriate Resolution of said Authority, the income limits for Tenant Admission to State of Connecticut Moderate Rental Housing Complex MR-11, MR11A & MR 47A as follows:

For Admission: The maximum income limites for admission have been determined in accordance with the Connecticut General Statutes, Section 8-115a and 8-119g.

For Continued Occupancy: The maximum income limits for contiued occupancy in Moderate Rental Housing are equal to 125% of the admission limits for such housing.


Admission Limits:                                                                     Continued Occupancy Limits:

$45,100 for 1 person                                                                                $56,375 for 1 person
51,550 for 2 persons                                                                                64,438 for 2 persons
58,000 for 3 persons                                                                               72,500 for 3 persons
64,400 for 4 persons                                                                                80,500 for 4 persons
69,600 for 5 persons                                                                                87,000 for 5 persons
74,750 for 6 persons                                                                                93,438 for 6 persons
79,900 for 7 persons                                                                                99,875 for 7 persons
85,050 for 8 persons                                                                                106,313 for 8 persons

On motion by Commissioner Santacroce, seconded by Commissioner Noglow; it was unanimously voted to adopt Resolution 2013-6 and waive reading of same.


BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the City of Middletown that the maximum income limits for admission to State of Connecticut Elderly Housing be increased per the attached Certifcate of Approval.


The Housing Authority of the City of Middletown has established and fixed, by an appropriate Resolution of said Authority, the income limits for Tenant Admission to State of Connecticut Moderate Rental Housing Complex E101 as follows:

For Admission: The maximum income limites for admission have been determined in accordance with the Connecticut General Statutes, Section 8-115a and 8-119g.

Admission Limits:
$45,100 for 1 person
51,550 for 2 persons

SECTION 8: 789 Section 8 units were under lease as of 1/1/2013.  Funding levels are at 190.98% of budget. Mr. Vasiliou informed the Board that a briefing and voucher release is being held tomorrow, January 15, 2013. Approximately 50 vouchers will be released.

He reported that a total of 79 HCV vouchers have been utilized at the Carabetta complexes as of January 1, 2013. HUD has expressed their concern over the under utilization of the enhanced vouchers for this conversion. Mr. Vasiliou explained that due to the lack of increased rents as the Carabetta complexes, residents haven’t had an incentive to request the enhanced vouchers. He continues discussions with HUD on this issue.

PERSONNEL: Mr. Vasiliou informed the Board that John Parker, has begun work as a part-time development coordinator for MHA. He also reported that he has received and accpeted the resignation of Melissa Rose, part-time Section 8 employee effective immediately. An ad for this position will be posted in the local news paper this weekend.

MAINTENANCE: 164 workorders were completed in December. Vacant unit prep continues at all complexes.

MODERNIZATION: Sbona Tower: RFQ for security cameras being drafted. Mr. Rumberger will attend a security technology conference on 2/1/2013. MR: Electrical re-bids are due on 2/4/2013. A walk-through is scheduled for 1/22/2013. 2nd meeting with Quisenberry/Arcari architects to review plans for windows/siding/roof/furnances projects. Bids should be ready by end of February. MM: J Associates bid work is underway. Bids should be ready by early February. Weatherization work thru CL & P is complete.

OLD BUSINESS: A public hearing on MHA’s Annual Plan was held on 1/14/2013. There were no attendees nor were there any written or verbal comments received.

There being no further business to come before the Commission, on motion by Commissioner Santacroce, seconded by Chairman Noglow; it was unanimously voted to adjourn the monthly meeting at 6:22 p.m.
On motion by Commissioner Santacroce, seconded by Commissioner Noglow; it was unanimously voted to adopt Resolution 2013-1 and waive reading of same.

(see attached resolution)



William Vasiliou