Meeting Minutes – July 11, 2011

Meeting Minutes – July 11, 2011



July 11, 2011

The Monthly Meeting of the Housing Authority of the City of Middletown was held at the Senior Center Meeting Room, 150 William Street, Middletown, Connecticut on Monday, July 11,2011.

Chairman Osborne called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. and called the roll.

PRESENT: Lee Osborne, Chairman; Sebastian J. Santacroce, Commissioner; Evan Noglow, Vice Chairman; Lois Carreiro, Commissioner; Izzi Greenberg, Commissioner.

ALSO PRESENT:  William Vasiliou, Secretary; John Rumberger, Facilities Manager; Attorney John Boccalatte, Tom Guzzi




APPROVAL OF MINUTES: On motion by Commissioner Carreiro, seconded by Commissioner Noglow; it was unanimously voted to approve the minutes of the June 13, 2011 meeting as submitted. Commissioner Santacroce abstained from the vote. 

APPROVAL OF BILLS: Commissioner Carreiro motioned to approve the bills as submitted, seconded by Commissioner Greenberg. Commissioner Santacroce questioned several expenses and after discussion, it was unanimously voted to approve the bills as submitted.

ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE: Secretary Vasiliou reported on 06/30/11 A/R which shows increases of $10,533.64 for Conn 9-2, $5,860.35 for Conn 9-3, $10,170.35 for Conn 9-4, $191.76 for Conn 9-5. Mr. Vasiliou explained the increase in amounts due to the air conditioning fees and retro charges. Net decreases of $174.38 for MR and $7.00 for E101 were also noted.

LEGAL ACTION: Attorney Boccalatte stated his 06/30/2011 report shows no summary process actions were started but it being a very active month. Additionally, $2,193.26 was collected on vacated accounts.

FINANCIAL: Mr. Guzzi presented Revision #1 to the State Elderly Management Plan (Marino Manor.) The budget revision for E101 will be reduced approximately $10,000 due to the excess of base changes, low interest rates and maintenance costs. After discussion and upon a motion by Commissioner Santacroce, seconded by Commissioner Greenberg, it was unanimously voted to approve Resolution 2011-10 as presented and will become part of these minutes.

SECTION 8: 728 Section 8 units were under lease as of 7/1/2011. Spending levels are currently at 106.01%. Mr. Vasiliou reported that Section 8 is over the Budget Authority amount and could create a problem with funding from HUD. SEction 8 Office is aware of this problem and will work on re-examining the formulas and utility allowances. Lengthy discussion ensued on the Section 8 Program.


MAINTENANCE: 374 work orders were completed in June. Mr. Rumberger stated that there has been a change in the vacancy rate.

MODERNIZATION: Traverse Square Windows – bid opening on June 9th and the architect will evaluate the bids and make a recommendation; Spear Park – Working on the light with the electrician; Maplewood Terrace – Sign the architect contract for the roof and waiting for a site visit; Moderate Rental – progressing on window wells and basement windows.


OLD BUSINESS: Mr. Vasiliou reviewed the MHA Other Post Employee Benefit Trust Agreement.


1) Annual Audit by Maletta Company from Bristol will be available on September 3, 2011 and will be presented to the Board.

2) Mr. Vasiliou advisted the Commission on an issue that will appear in the newspapers dealing with Housing Authorities. HUD proposed a $1 Billion Dollar shortfall in tis budget. They are going to reclaim monies from housing authorities. A lengthy discussion ensued on this topic.

There being no further business to come before the Commission, on motion by Commissioner Carreiro, seconded by Commissioner Santacroce; it was unanimously voted to adjourn the monthly meeting at 5:46 p.m.


William Vasiliou