March 2021 Minutes


                                                      OF THE CITY OF MIDDLETOWN

                                                                  March 15, 2021

The Regular Meeting of the Housing Authority of the City of Middletown was held in the conference room at 40 Broad St., and via Zoom on Monday, March 15, 2021.

Vice- Chairman Santacroce called the meeting to order at 5:01 p.m. and called the roll.

PRESENT: Sebastian Santacroce, Vice-Chairman; Phil Cacciola, Commissioner; Larry Riley, Commissioner.

ALSO PRESENT: William Vasiliou, Secretary; John Rumberger, Asst Executive Director; Jason Lewellyn, Esq.

ABSENT:  Evan Noglow, Chairman; Senovia Stone, Commissioner.



APPROVAL OF MINUTES:  On motion by Commissioner Cacciola, seconded by Commissioner Riley, it was unanimously voted to approve the minutes of the February 8, 2021 meeting.

APPROVAL OF BILLS:  On motion Commissioner Riley, seconded by Commissioner Cacciola, it was unanimously voted to approve the bills as submitted.

ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE: Secretary Vasiliou reported on 2/28/21 A/R which shows a decrease of $12,167.26 for CONN 9-2, a decrease of $8821.08 for Conn 9-3, an increase of $1,643.70 for Conn 9-4, no change for Conn 9-5, a decrease $14,779.50 for State Family, and a decrease of $661.86 for E-101.  Housing staff continues to reach out to individual residents regarding their account balances, as receivables remains a problem.

LEGAL ACTION:  Atty. Lewellyn reported on his report dated 2/28/21.  There are two pending cases for Serious non-payment of rent. Collection is $0.00.

FINANCIAL: No report

SECTION 8:  No report


MAINTENANCE:  127 work orders were completed in February.

MODERNIZATION:  Sbona Main Roof- Awaiting original certified payrolls; scanned copies were submitted. Sbona Elevator – High-rise car 1 is complete and in service.  Car 2 underway.  Completion target date is still Mid-May.  Maplewood and Traverse A/E RFQ: MT Windows and Doors anticipated  bid opening and walk-through being coordinated with upcoming vacant unit to survey.  CW Architects working on final spec and drawings for Traverse Entry Doors.  Main Office Entry System: System is installed and ready for use. New exterior signs installed and final interior signage and new accessible door operator scheduled for install on March 12, 2021. HUD Labor Relations Remote Monitoring: report submitted to HUD. Sbona Tower Lobby Renovation: Apparent low bidder M A & M. We had 10 bidders.  Architect reviewing lowest 3 submissions and will make award recommendation.  Grass Bids : walkthrough is 3/16/21 with bid opening mid-April.


OLD BUSINESS:   Mr. Vasiliou informed the Commission that he has advertised and is receiving proposals for design work for addition to Marino Manor.  Mr. Vasiliou has met with the mayor regarding this project

NEW BUSINESS:  Mr. Andrew Daniels presented the concept of Move to Work to the Commissioners, highlighting important aspects of the program.


There being no further business to come before the Commission, on motion by Commissioner Cacciola, seconded by Vice-Chairman Santacroce; it was unanimously voted to adjourn the meeting at 5:52pm.


William Vasiliou
