Meeting Minutes – July 14, 2014

Meeting Minutes – July 14, 2014



July 14, 2014


The Monthly Meeting of the Housing Authority of the City of Middletown was held at the Senior Center Meeting Room, 150 William Street, Middletown, Connecticut on Monday, July 14, 2014.

Chairman Osborne called the meeting to order at 5:03 p.m. and called the roll.

PRESENT: Evan Noglow, Chairman; Izzi Greenberg, Commissioner (phone); Senova Stone, Commissioner;

ALSO PRESENT:  William Vasiliou, Secretary; Tom Guzzi, Financial Manager; John Rumberger, Facilities Manager; John Boccalatte, Esq.;

ABSENT: Sebastian J. Santacroce, Commissioner (excused absence); Phil Cacciola, Commissioner (unexcused absence)


FOLLOW-UP REPORT: Mr. Vasiliou met with the two Sbona Tower residents to address the concerns that were voiced at the June meeting.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Due to abstentions, the minutes of the monthly meeting held May 20, 2014 and June 9, 2014 meetings were tabled to the August meeting.

APPROVAL OF BILLS: On motion by Commissioner Greenberg; seconded by Commissioner Stone;  it was unanimously voted to approve the bills as submitted.

ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE: Secretary Vasiliou reported on 6/30/14 A/R which shows increases of $10,110.38 for Conn 9-2, 3,746.09 for Conn 9-3, $4,183.08 for Conn 9-4, $15.00 for Conn 9-5 and $147.10 for MR. Net decreases of $44.67 for E101 were also noted.

LEGAL ACTION: Attorney Boccalatte stated his 6/30/14 report shows one summary process action started and $589.67 collected on vacated accounts.

FINANCIAL: Mr. Guzzi reported that the annual audit will begin next week. The Board will be given a copy when completed. He also presented Resoultion 2014-9 Electronis Transfer of Funds Policy to the Board for approval. He noted that the policy requires that a requisition form must be signed by two (2) Board members before transfers can take place. On motion by Commissioner Greenberg, seconded by Commissioner Stone, it was unanimously voted to adopt Resolution 2014-9 and waive reading of same.

The Middletown Housing Authority (MHA) has a need to Electronically Transfer Funds (EFT) for vaious purposes. Good financial Internal controls dictates that we should have a policy that describes the nature and procedures relating to the execution of slecronic transmission of funds from the Housing Authority to another entity. It intends to make it clar that on occasion there is a need for EFTs and under what circumstances they may occur.

WHEREAS, all EFT transactions will be initiated by the Controller and/or Budget, Finance and Compliance Officer.

WHEREAS, the Middletown Housing authority’s primary method of disbursement is check based, but there are circumstances when, Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) need to be employed:

1. Legal or contractual requirements.
2. Expedited payment required.
3. Standard Industry practice.
4. Guaranteed payment delivery requested.
5.  Most cost-effective payment procedure.


WHEREAS, some EFT transactions are repetitive and occur on a regular basis, those transactions are:


1. Direct Deposit of Payroll to the individual employee’s bank accounts.
2. Direct Deposit of Payroll related taxes to the individual governments and/or payroll related vendors, i.e. MASSACHUSETTS MUTUAL 401A AND 457B plans.

3. HAP checks to landlords each month.

WHEREAS, other EFT transactions are non-repetitive, i.e. vendor’s payments. This will occur occasionally and only when:

1.  Payments are legally or contractually required as EFTs.
2.  Expedited Payments are required.


WHEREAS, two (2) signatures are required to pay non-repetitive vendor’s payments. A form “Approval of Expenditure via Electronic Transfer of Funds” shall be initiated by the financial staff and each invoice shall be attached. The form shall signify approval and be signed by two members of the Board of Commissioners, who are authorized to sign checks.
WHEREAS, these payments will appear on the list of paymenhts that are normally presented to the Board of Commissioners each month.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners that they hereby approve of the above referenced Electronic Transfer of Funds Policy subject to system security and other procedures outlined in this document.

Middletown Housing Authority
Approval of Expenditure via Electronic Transfer of Funds

I hereby approve of the following expenditure via electronic transfer of funds:
Name and Address of the Receiver:


Reason or Purpose: ______________________________________________________ AMOUNT $ _______________________


Name of Board Member


Name of Board Member

SECTION 8: 888 Section 8 units were under lease as of 07/01/2014.  Mr. Vasiliou informed the Board that a briefing and release of 50 tenant based vouchers is tentatively scheduled for the end of July. He also stated that he has held an informational briefing in preparation for the release of 30 project based vouchers with a submission deadline of August 5, 2014.


MAINTENANCE:  161 work orders were completed in June. Vacant unit prep continues at all complexes. A REAC inspection of all Federal properties was completed on July 10th and 11th.

MODERNIZATION: Sbona Tower: Cameras and wiring is complete. Software is being loaded on staff computers for viewing of all cameras in all complexes. A Smart Board has been installed at Sbona. MT: Comcast upgrades are complete. TS: Comcase upgrades are complete. Camera and wiring installation has begun. MR: Elecrical punch list items are being done. Cubeta Rd and Kieft Rd siding and window installation is nearly complete. A punch list is being generated. Furnace closeout documents are being verified.

OLD BUSINESS: Mr. Vasiliou reporated that the Common Council has voted funds for improvements to Spear Park including lighting and fountain repair. He will try to determine when this changed from the original plans for the park that were previously discussed with the City.



There being no further business to come before the Commission, on motion by Vice Chairman Santacroce, seconded by Commissioner Noglow; it was unanimously voted to adjourn the monthly meeting at 5:25 p.m.
William Vasiliou