Meeting Minutes – March 12, 2012

Meeting Minutes – March 12, 2012



MARCH 12, 2012

The Regular Meeting of the Housing Authority of the City of Middletown was held at the Senior Center Meeting Room, 150 William Street, Middletown, Connecticut on Tuesday, March 12, 2012.

Vice Chairman Noglow called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. and called the roll.

PRESENT: Evan Noglow, Vice Chairman;  Sebastian J. Santacroce, Commissioner; Lois Carreiro, Commissioner, Izzy Greenberg, Commissioner 

ALSO PRESENT:  William Vasiliou, Secretary; Thomas Guzzi, Financial Manager; John Rumberger, Facilities Manager; John Boccalatte, Esq.

ABSENT: Lee Osborne, Chairman (excused absence.)



APPROVAL OF MINUTES: On motion by Commissioner Santacroce, seconded by Commissioner Carreiro; it was unanimously voted to approve the minutes of the February 14, 2012 meeting as submitted.

APPROVAL OF BILLS: On motion by Commissioner Carreiro, seconded by Commissioner Santacroce; it was unanimously voted to approve the bills as submitted.

ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE: Secretary Vasiliou reported on 2/29/12 A/R  which shows decreases of $152.59 for Conn 9-2, $2,063.58 for Conn 9-3, $270.29 for Conn 9-4 and $1,750.81 for MR. NEt increases of $8.00 for E101 were also noted. There was no change at Conn 9-5.

LEGAL ACTION: Attorney Boccalatte stated his 2/24/2012 report shows 4 summary process actions started and $59.50 collected on vacated accounts.

FINANCIAL: Mr. Guzzi presented the write offs for all complexes and explained the process to the commissioners.

On motion by Commissioner Greenberg, seconded by Commissioner Santacroce; it was unanimously voted to adopt Resolution 2012-5 and waive reading of same.

WHEREAS, the Housing Authority of the City of Middletown has unsuccessfully tried to collect the following Moderate Rental (MR11, MR-11A & MR47 vacated accounts and;

WHEREAS, the Housing Authority has deemed these accounts to be uncollectible;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Commission of the Housing Authority of the City of Middle that the following vacated accounts totaling $8,360.27 be written off:


29 Cubeta Road                                             Lockhart, Toni                               $1,154.93                  No Forwarding Address
49 Daddario Road                                         Smith, Jennifer                                    807.32                  No Forwarding Address
63 Daddario Road                                         Winston, Kimberly                             1,106.53                 No Forwarding Address
418 Long Lane                                                Jackson, Lisa                                     648.62                 No Forwarding Address
507 Long Lane                                                Pitkin, Belinda                                     473.78                Out of State
107 Rogers Road                                            Rivers, Mary                                     1,431.85                No Forwarding Address
28 Santangelo Circle                                     Carr-Gaunichaux, Jacqueline               885.52                No Forwarding Address
69 Santangelo Circle                                     Jackson, Trina                                      696.70                No Forwarding Address
83 Santangelo Circle                                     Spencer, Arlene                                  1,155.02               No Forwarding Address


On motion by Commissioner Greenberg, seconded by Commissioner Santacroce; it was unanimously voted to adopt Resolution 2012-6 and waive reading of same.


WHEREAS, the Housing Authority of the City of Middletown has unsuccessfully to collect the following Marino Manor, E101, vacated account (s) and;

WHEREAS, the Housing Authority has deemed these accounts to be uncollectible;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Commission of the Housing Authority of the City of Middletown that the following vacated accounts totaling $62.00 be written off:

28 Marino Manor                     Walker, Wade                $62.00                                        Deceased

TOTAL                                                                             62.00      

On motion by Commissioner Greenberg, seconded by Commissioner Santacroce; it was unanimously voted to approve the Federal Write Offs as submitted:



 1203 – Strange, Margaret                                         $      54.47                                             Unknown
106 – Hansen, Joann                                                     5,446.80                                            Unknown
210 – Lockhard, Cornelia                                                    2.81                                              Out of State
307 – Slight, Roger                                                           481.87                                            Out of State
704 – James, Roosevelt                                                1,077.32                                             Convalescent Home
906 – Robinette, Walter                                                1,649.84                                              Convalescent Home
907 – Bell,  Joyce                                                             714.80                                             Convalescent Home

TOTAL                                                                       $9,427.91


  9 MT – Clark, Shalom                                                 $     75.00                                              No Forwarding Address
11 MT – Carr, Brittney                                                     1,046.33                                              No Forwarding Address
26 MT – Colemn, Desiree                                               1,262.54                                              No Forwarding Address
28 MT – Ortega, Stephanie                                            4,298.18                                              No Forwarding Address
30 MT – Sutherland, Dawn                                            1,398.79                                              No Forwarding Address

TOTAL                                                                        $8,080.84


18 TS – Field, Dawn                                                        $1,204.70                                              No Forwarding Address
58 TS – Sastre, Carian                                                     1,529.76                                                 Hartford, CT

TOTAL                                                                         $2,734.46


316 – Belfiore, Salvatore                                                  $   378.47                                Convalescent Home

TOTAL                                                                           $   378.47

GRAND TOTAL                                                          $20,621.68


SECTION 8: 724 Section 8 units were under lease as of 3/1/2012. Spending levels are at 125.34% of budget.

Mr. Vasiliou reported that HUD has notified PHA’s that SEction 8 will be funded at 75% for the coming fiscal year. This is in addition to the reclamation of the $960,000 public housing funds.

Carabetta conversion continues with 67 units in place. MHA is in contact with them to facilitate the completion of this process.

He noted that a briefing and voucher release will be held on Tuesday, March 13th. Approximately 35 vouchers will be released at that time. A second briefing will be held on June 11th at Mercy High School with approximately 75-100 vouchers being released. An informational session for prospective landlords will be held in May to acquaint landlords with the Section 8 program and to answer any questions they may have. 

The Section 8 wait list was opened and closed in March. The lottery will produce 1400 names for the wait list.


MAINTENANCE: 160 work orders were completed in February. Vacancy prep continues. 

MODERNIZATION: Sbona Tower: Reroofing project is partially completed with final completion in the spring due to weather and material requirements. MT: Reroofing project to be completed by the end of March if the good weather holds. TS: Window replacement project is nearing completion. Punch list will be perfromed 3/5/12 – 3/15/12. 

OLD BUSINESS: Mr. Vasiliou presented the income limits for 2012 as issued by HUD. These limits are used by all Federal and State programs to determine eligibility.
On motion by commissioner Santacroce, seconded by Commissioner Carreiro; it was unanimously voted to adopt Resolution 2012-7 and waive reading of same.


BE IT RESOLVED by the Commission of the Housing Authority of the City of Middletown that the maximum income limits for admission to State of Connecticut Moderate Rental Housing be increased per the attached Certificate of Approval.

The Housing Authority of the City of Middletown has established and fixed, by an appropriate Resolution of said Authority, the income limits for Tenant Admission to State of Connecticut Moderate Rental Housing Comples MR-11, MR-11A & MR 47A as follows:

For Admission: The maximum income limits for admission have been determined in accordance with the Connecticut General Statutes, Section 8-115a and 8-119g.

For Continued Occupancy: The maximum income limits for contiued occupancy in Moderate REntal Housing are equal to 125% of the admission limits for such housing.

             Admission Limits:                                                         Continued Occupancy Limits

$45,500 for 1 person                                                                $56,875 for 1 person
52,000 for 2 persons                                                               65,000 for 2 persons
58,500 for 3 persons                                                               73,125 for 3 persons
65,000 for 4 persons                                                               81,250 for 4 persons
70,200 for 5 persons                                                                87,750 for 5 persons
75,400 for 6 persons                                                                94,250 for 6 persons
80,600 for 7 persons                                                               100,750 for 7 persons
85,800 for 8 persons                                                               107,250 for 8 persons

On motion by Commissioner Santacroce, seconded by Commissioner Carreiro; it was unanimously voted to adopt Resolution 2012-8 and waive reading of same.

BE IT RESOLVED by the Commission of the Housing Authority of the City of Middletown that the maximum income limits for admission to State of Connecticut Elderly Housing be increased per the attached Certificate of Approval.

The Housing Authority of the City of Middletown has established and fixed, by an appropriate Resolution of said Authority, the income limits for Tenant Admission to State of Connecticut Elderly Housing Complex E-101 as follows:


For Admission: The maximum income limits for admission have been determined in accordance with the Connecticut General Statutes, Section 8-115a and 8-119g.

Admission Limits

$45,500 for 1 person
$52,000 for 2 persons

NEW BUSINESS: Mr. Vasiliou reported that MHA has filed an application with DECD for funds under the Re-modernization Plan authorized by Gov. Malloy. MHA has requested $3 Million Dollars with an additional $1.8 Million Dollars being pledged by MHA for renovations to the Moderate Rental properties. Forty five agencies have applied for this funding with awards being based on a point system devised by DECD. Awards are scheduled to be announced within 30 days from the 3/30/2012 deadline. If MHA is successful projected work would include furnaces at Sunset Ridge, completion of rewiring off all units, reroofing, residing and window replacement at all complexes.

He also reminded the Board of the Annual meeting to be held on Thursday, April 5, 2012.
There being no further business to come before the Commission, on motion by Commissioner Santacroce, seconded by Commissioner Carreiro; it was unanimously voted to adjourn the monthly meeting at 6:45 p.m.
William Vasiliou