May 2021 Minutes


                                                      OF THE CITY OF MIDDLETOWN

                                                                   May 10, 2021

The Regular Meeting of the Housing Authority of the City of Middletown was held in the conference room at 40 Broad St., and via Zoom on Monday, May 10, 2021.

Vice Chairman Sanatcroce called the meeting to order at 5:10 p.m. and called the roll.

PRESENT: Sebastian Santacroce, Vice-Chairman; Larry Riley, Commissioner.; Phil Cacciola, Commissioner;  Senavia Stone, Commissioner.

ALSO PRESENT: William Vasiliou, Secretary; John Rumberger, Asst. Executive Director; Christine Juraska, Finance Manager; Jason Lewellyn, Esq.

ABSENT:  Evan Noglow, Chairman.



APPROVAL OF MINUTES:  On motion by Commissioner Riley, seconded by Commissioner Stone, it was unanimously voted to approve the minutes of the April 12, 2021 meeting.

APPROVAL OF BILLS:  On motion Commissioner Cacciola, seconded by Commissioner Riley, it was unanimously voted to approve the bills as submitted.

ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE: Secretary Vasiliou reported on 4/21 A/R which shows an increase of $2430.65  for CONN 9-2, an increase of $14,195.47 for Conn 9-3, an increase of $2,137.89 for Conn 9-4, an increase of $6.02 for Conn 9-5, an increase $6,135.06 for State Family, and an increase of $110.78 for E-101.  Receivables continue to be a problem as the rent moratorium is still in effect.

LEGAL ACTION:  Atty. Lewellyn reported on his report dated 4/301/21.  There was one Summary Process case opened and $178.92 was received in collections.

FINANCIAL:   Ms. Juraska reported that she continues to work on year end.  Hud submittals are due by May 31, 2021.

SECTION 8:  Mr. Vasiliou reported that there are 793units in place and the average payment per unit is $810.79.  The department continues to advertise for 50 Project Based Vouchers, which should be in place by July/ August.


MAINTENANCE:  108 work orders were completed in April.

MODERNIZATION:  Sbona Main Roof- Fina closeout paperwork has arrived.  Reviewing before releasing retainage. m Sbona Elevator –  Otis scheduled test for State Inspector on May 20th to approve both cars for operation. Maplewood  Window /Door Replacement: Bid opening was on 4/16.  Three low bidders under review by architect. Traverse Door Replacement: Pre-bid walk-through May 11.  Bids due by June 4.  Sbona Tower Lobby Renovation:  Work has begun and product submittals under review. Monarca Place HVAC/Generator: Preparing RFQ for architect.


OLD BUSINESS:   Mr. Vasiliou and Mr. Rumberger met with the architect on a preliminary basis for the Marino Manor project.

NEW BUSINESS:  Mr. Vasiliou presented the annual update to the maximum income limits for admission to the CT State Family and Elderly complexes effective May 1, 2021 as published by HUD.  On motion by Commissioner Cacciola, seconded by Commissioner Riley; it was unanimously voted to adopt Resolutions 2021-5 and 2021-6, and waive reading of same.


BE IT RESOLVED by the Commission of the Housing Authority of the City of Middletown that the maximum income limits for admission to State of Connecticut Moderate Rental Housing be increased per the attached Certificate of Approval.


The Housing Authority of the City of Middletown has established and fixed, by an appropriate Resolution of said Authority, the income limits for Tenant Admission to State of Connecticut Moderate Rental Housing Complex MR-11, MR 11A & MR 47A as follows:

For Admission:  The maximum income limits for admission have been determined in accordance with the Connecticut General Statutes, Section 8-115a and 8-119g.

For Continued Occupancy:  The maximum income limits for continued occupancy in Moderate Rental Housing are equal to 125% of the admission limits for such housing.

Admission Limits:                Continued Occupancy Limits

$55,950 for 1 person                 $69,938 for 1 person

  63,950 for 2 persons                 79,938 for 2 persons

                              71,950 for 3 persons                   89,938 for 3 persons

 79,900 for 4 persons                  99,875 for 4 persons

 86,300 for 5 persons                  107,875 for 5 persons

 92,700 for 6 persons                  115,875 for 6 persons

 99,1000 for 7 persons                123,875 for 7 persons

105,500  for 8 persons                131,875 for 8 persons


BE IT RESOLVED by the Commission of the Housing Authority of the City of Middletown that the maximum income limits for admission to State of Connecticut Elderly Housing be increased per the attached Certificate of Approval.


The Housing Authority of the City of Middletown has established and fixed, by an appropriate Resolution of said Authority, the income limits for Tenant Admission to State of Connecticut Elderly Housing Complex E-101 as follows:

For Admission:  The maximum income limits for admission have been determined in accordance with the Connecticut General Statutes, Section 8-115a and 8-119g.

Admission Limits

$55,950 for 1 person

63,950 for 2 persons              

OTHER BUSINESS: Mr. Vasiliou reported that he was approached by the City of Middletown Art & Culture Department regarding use of Spear Park for summer music concerts.

There being no further business to come before the Commission, on motion by Commissioner Cacciola, seconded by Commissioner Riley; it was unanimously voted to adjourn the meeting at 5:51 pm.


William Vasiliou
