January 2022 Minutes

January 2022 Minutes



 January 10, 2022

The Regular Meeting of the Housing Authority of the City of Middletown was held in the conference room at 40 Broad St., and via Zoom on Monday, January 10, 2022.

Chairman Noglow called the meeting to order at 5:01 p.m. and called the roll.

PRESENT: Evan Noglow, Chairman; Sebastian Santacroce, Vice-Chairman; Larry Riley, Commissioner.; Phil Cacciola, Commissioner

ALSO PRESENT: William Vasiliou, Secretary; John Rumberger, Asst. Executive Director; Christine Juraska, Finance Manager; Jason Lewellyn, Esq.

ABSENT:  Senova Stone, Commissioner (excused absence)



APPROVAL OF MINUTES:  On motion by Vice Chairman Santacroce, seconded by

Commissioner Cacciola, it was unanimously voted to approve the minutes of the December 13, 2021 meeting.

APPROVAL OF BILLS:  On motion by Vice Chairman Santacroce, seconded by Commissioner Riley, it was unanimously voted to approve the bills as submitted.

ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE: Secretary Vasiliou reported on December 2021 A/R which shows an increase of $5,150.7 for CONN 9-2, a decrease of $5,585.32 for Conn 9-3, an increase of $7,573.89 for Conn 9-4, a decrease of $32.26 for CONN-5, an increase of $18,789.63 for State Family, and an increase of $68.62 for E-101.  

LEGAL ACTION:  Atty. Lewellyn reported on the Legal Report of 12/30/2021. There was one new serious non-payment case opened.   Collections were $0.00.

FINANCIAL:  Ms. Juraska presented the Budget for fiscal year 2023, outlining the components for each program- Federal, State Family, State Elderly and Section 8.

On motion by Vice Chairman Santacroce, seconded by Commissioner Riley, it was unanimously voted to adopt Resolution 2022-2, and waive reading of the same. (resolution attached)

Ms. Jurasca also presented the Management Plan for State Family and State Elderly, which included a base rent increase for all bedroom sizes, which would be effective April 1, 2022.

 Residents were notified by mail of these proposed increases and of their opportunity to respond/comment in writing, verbally or by attending the December 13, 2021 meeting.  No one attended the meeting nor were any written or verbal comments received.

On motion by Vice Chairman Santacroce, seconded by Commissioner Riley, it was unanimously voted to adopt Resolutions 2022-3 and Resolution 2022-4, and waive reading of the same.

Monthly Meeting Minutes 1/1/2022                                                                       Page 2


            BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the City of Middletown that the Connecticut State Family Management Plan for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2023, which includes a base rent increase of $30 for each 1 bedroom, $ 40 for each 2 bedroom and $50 for each 3 bedroom apartment, be adopted as submitted.


BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the City of Middletown that the Connecticut State Elderly Management Plan for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2023, which includes a $40 increase in Base Rent for each small 1 bedroom and large 1 bedroom, be adopted as submitted

SECTION 8:  Mr. Vasiliou reported that there are 831 units in place. A Section 8 electronic presentation of the briefing has been made.


MAINTENANCE:  171 work orders were completed in December.

MODERNIZATION:   Maplewood Window /Door Replacement:  Window installs underway in units 40-50. Traverse Door Replacement: Awaiting install dart date from contractor. Sbona Tower Lobby Renovation:  Job close-out in process. Monarca Place HVAC/Generator: Giuffrida Engineering has begun schematic design phase. Marino Manor Expansion: QA&M starting plans and specifications.  We hope to break ground in Spring. Eversource Weatherization Program:  MP, TS, and MT upgrades complete. Sbona Tower Exterior Façade/Masonry:   RFQ due Jan 21.  Upcoming RFQ’s:  Sbona Tower HVAC/Switchgear; Maplewood and Traverse Square domestic water/HVAC piping and controls upgrade RFQ’s due Jan. 28.



NEW BUSINESS:  Mr. Vasiliou outlined the MHA Annual Plan.  The plan was published in the paper and a public hearing was held for submission of comments.  No comments, either written or verbal were received.

Resolution 2022-1

On motion by Vice Chairman Santacroce, seconded by Commissioner Stone, it was unanimously voted to adopt Resolution 2022-1 (Annual Plan) and waive reading of the same. (See attached Resolution)


There being no further business to come before the Commission, on motion by Vice Chairman Santacroce, seconded by Commissioner Riley; it was unanimously voted to adjourn the meeting at 5:36pm.


William Vasiliou
