March 2022 Minutes


                                                      OF THE CITY OF MIDDLETOWN

                                                                  March 14, 2022

The Regular Meeting of the Housing Authority of the City of Middletown was held in the conference room at 40 Broad St., and via Zoom on Monday, March 14, 2022.

Chairman Noglow called the meeting to order at 5:04 p.m. and called the roll.

PRESENT: Evan Noglow, Chairman; Sebastian Santacroce,Vice-Chairman; Larry Riley, Commissioner.; Phil Cacciola, Commissioner; Senovia Stone, Commissioner

ALSO PRESENT: William Vasiliou, Secretary; John Rumberger, Asst. Executive Director; Jason Lewellyn, Esq.




APPROVAL OF MINUTES:  On motion by Commissioner Riley, seconded by

Commissioner Cacciola, it was unanimously voted to approve the minutes of the February 14, 2022 meeting.

APPROVAL OF BILLS:  On motion by Commissioner Riley, seconded by Commissioner Stone, it was unanimously voted to approve the bills as submitted.

ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE: Secretary Vasiliou reported on the February 2022 A/R which shows a decrease of $6,275.69 for CONN 9-2, an increase of $702.67 for Conn 9-3, a decrease of $5,775.11 for Conn 9-4, a decrease of $571.80 for CONN-5, an increase of $4,914.25 for State Family, and a decrease of $652.60 for E-101.  

LEGAL ACTION:  Atty. Lewellyn reported on the Legal Report of 2/28/2022. There were three new cases open which includes Serious Nonpayment, abandonment of unit, and pretermination notice for Harassment.  Notice to Quits have resumed for nonpayment of rent, excluding all those who have current applications with UniteCT.

FINANCIAL:  Mr. Vasiliou reported that the audit is complete and has been filed with the Mayor. It will be distributed to the Commission for review.

SECTION 8:  Mr. Vasiliou reported that there are 834 units in place, and the average HAP payment is $809.73. The department has attended national  training sessions via Zoom for Moving To Work.


MAINTENANCE:  114 work orders were completed in February.

MODERNIZATION:   Maplewood Window /Door Replacement:  Window installs are nearing completion; final inspections and punch list underway in Units 9-50.  Eversource Rebate Incentive inspections tentative week of March 21.  Traverse Door Replacement: Installation underway in units 1-7.. Monarca Place HVAC/Generator: Invitation to bid ads placed; bids due April 14.

Marino Manor Expansion: Bill Vasiliou and John Rumberger attended scope review meeting. Tentative bid due date mid- May. Sbona Tower Exterior Façade/Masonry RFQ: MHA reviewing fee and cost proposals of all 4 firms.  Sbona Tower HVAC/Switchgear/ Maplewood and Traverse Square domestic water/HVAC piping and controls upgrade RFQ:  A/E walkthrough held March 2; fee and scope costs due March 28. Monarca Place Interior Painting: Walkthrough March 1; bids due March 10. Moderate Rental Driveway Inspections: Assessment will resume once snow cover subsides/weather allows.



NEW BUSINESS:   Mr. Vasiliou reported on the proposed write-offs for the Federal and State programs and submitted the list for the Federal complexes.

 On motion by Commissioner Cacciola, seconded by Commissioner Riley, it was unanimously voted to approve the Federal write offs as submitted.

Mr. Vasiliou read the list of proposed write offs for State Moderate Rental (Resolution 2022-6)


WHEREAS, the Housing Authority of the City of Middletown has unsuccessfully tried to collect the following Moderate Rental (MR11, MR-11A & MR 47) vacated accounts and;

WHEREAS, the Housing Authority has deemed these accounts to be uncollectible;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Commission of the Housing Authority of the City of Middletown that the following vacated accounts totaling $14,383.09 be written off:

       Name                                         Address                                             Amount                              Address

Amina Cooper                        87 Rogers Rd.                          $4496.38                     No Forward

Yanaira DeLaCruz                  101 Rogers Rd.                        $687.35                       Out of State

Porsha Thomas                       83 Santangelo Cir.                   $4676.91                     Sm. Claims

Laury Villafane                         35 Schaefer Rd.                       $4522.45                     No Forward

Grand Total                                                                            $14,383.09

On motion by Commissioner Cacciola, seconded by Commissioner Riley, it was unanimously voted to adopt Resolution 2022-6.

OTHER BUSINESS: The Annual meeting will be held on 4/1/22 at 2:30, for election of officers.

There being no further business to come before the Commission, on motion by Commissioner Riley, seconded by Commissioner Stone; it was unanimously voted to adjourn the meeting at 5:31 pm.


William Vasiliou
