October 2021 Minutes

October 2021 Minutes



October 12, 2021

The Regular Meeting of the Housing Authority of the City of Middletown was held in the conference room at 40 Broad St., and via Zoom on Tuesday, October 12, 2021.

Chairman Noglow called the meeting to order at 5:05 p.m. and called the roll.

PRESENT: Evan Noglow, Chairman; Sebastian Santacroce, Vice-Chairman; Larry Riley, Commissioner.; Phil Cacciola, Commissioner

ALSO PRESENT: William Vasiliou, Secretary; John Rumberger, Asst. Executive Director; Christine Juraska, Finance Manager; Jason Lewellyn, Esq.; Andrew Daniels.

ABSENT:  Senova Stone, Commissioner (excused absence)



APPROVAL OF MINUTES:  On motion by Vice Chairman Santacroce, seconded by Commissioner Cacciola, it was unanimously voted to approve the minutes of the September 13, 2021 meeting.

APPROVAL OF BILLS:  On motion by Commissioner Riley, seconded by Commissioner Cacciola, it was unanimously voted to approve the bills as submitted.

ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE: Secretary Vasiliou reported on September 2021 A/R which shows a decrease of $2345.64 for CONN 9-2, a decrease of $364.33 for Conn 9-3, an increase of $1822.87 for Conn 9-4, no change for CONN-5, an increase $12,016.65 for State Family, and a decrease of $5.17 for E-101.  

LEGAL ACTION:  Mr. Vasiliou reported on the Legal Report of 9/30/21. There was one NTQ issued for serious nonpayment, and one execution.

FINANCIAL: Ms. Juraska reported that the Auditors are scheduled to begin the yearly audit in  November.

SECTION 8:  Mr. Vasiliou reported that there are 816 units in place. The large increase is due to PBV applications that have been processed.  There are 4 landlords that are participating . The department continues to have briefings to release units.


MAINTENANCE:  167 work orders were completed in July.

MODERNIZATION:  Sbona Elevator: Fire Suppression is complete in penthouse; final job close out in progress.  Maplewood Window /Door Replacement: Window submission approved and contractor set to order. Traverse Door Replacement:  Entry Door mock-up has been installed, corrections needed per architect. Sbona Tower Lobby Renovation:  Punchlist items and final closeout docs under review.  

Monthly Meeting Minutes 10/12/21                                                                    Page 2

Modernization Cont.:

Monarca Place HVAC/Generator: A/E HVAC submissions received and under review.  JR and Eversource meeting regarding incentives;  Marino Manor Expansion: Design team has made changes per P/Z.  Architect to set new review meeting date. Moderate Rental: Powerwashing of Sunset Ridge and Santangelo Circle compete. Rockwood acres next.


OLD BUSINESS:   Mr. Vasiliou presented Resolution 2021-7 regarding Moving To Work, which included information on the MTW program.  Two informational sessions and one public hearing was held.  None attended and no comments were received. The mayor has signed off on this application.

On Motion by Commissioner Cacciola, seconded by Vice-Chairman Santacroce, it was unanimously voted to adopt Resolution 2021-7, and reading of the same.



WHEREAS: The Housing Authority of the City of Middletown (MHA) has review information concerning the activities allowable under the Moving to Work (MtW) Demonstration Program, examples of MtW Program initiatives implemented by one or more of the thirty-nine (39) “Legacy” MtW PHAs, and PIH Administrative Notice 21-03, MTW Cohort #4, HCV Landlord Incentives;

WHEREAS: The MHA has determined that the MtW Program affords the MHA powers and authority to manage its programs with increased precision and flexibility that will allow the organization to evolve and modernize it business model in response to changing community context, changing jurisdiction and changing federal policy and that research parameters of Cohort #4 do not substantially limit the benefits of MtW and in fact targets areas of interest to the MHA;

WHEREAS: The MHA has determined that the Authority meets all threshold requirements for acceptance into the MTW Program and this was affirmed by HUD to be true as of April 15, 2021.  The MHA knows of no material changes that would negate its high performer and fair housing compliance status;

WHEREAS: As required under the instructions found at Section 5(C)(i)(c) of PIH Administrative Notice 21-03.  The MHA conducted a general public and program participant process that provided both overview and narrative information on the MtW statutory and regulatory relief options and benefits.  The public process included two (2) informational ZOOM Meetings and one (1) ZOOM Public Hearing with the 30-day public comment period. 

In addition, both fifteen (15) days after the properly noticed Public Hearing as well as after the end of the Thirty (30) Day Comment period, this resolution was posted on the Agenda for the MHA Board of Commissioners October Regular Meeting, which is the second Monday of every month except when the Monday is a holiday in which case the meeting is the next day:and

WHEREAS: The MHA received no verbal or written comments on the MHA’s MtW Plan indicating any major issues or concerns with the MHA’s intent to apply for MtW status under Cohort #4 requiring response or modification to the MtW Plan as shared with the public.

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NOW, THERE, LET IT BE RESOLVED: that the Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the City of Middletown hereby establishes or authorizes the Executive Office to take actions as follows:

  1. Submit an Application to HUD seeking MtW status as part of the requirements of Cohort #4 and furthermore agrees to coordinate with the MtW Research Team for a period of 48 months regarding landlord incentives.
  2. Authorizes the MHA Executive Director, who is also Secretary to the Board, to serve as the MHA’s lead point of contact with administrative authority to sign any and all paperwork required to apply and to complete execution of an MTW ACC consistent with the current MTW Plan should the MHA be selected.
  3. Instructs the Executive Office to finalize any negotiation with HUD of an MtW Plan consistent with the MHA’s Application, the requirements of Cohort #4 and the best interest of the MHA and its program participants.

The Executive Director may take any and all actions necessary to meet the various commitments required in applying to the MTW Program, under Cohort #4 and necessary to protect the MHA and its program participants.

NEW BUSINESS:  Mr. Vasiliou present the Flat Rent schedule for LIPH.


There being no further business to come before the Commission, on motion by Commissioner Cacciola, seconded by Vice-Chairman Santacroce; it was unanimously voted to adjourn the meeting at 5:34pm.


William Vasiliou
